
The Pensacola Humane Society believes in providing members of our community a safe haven for their animals, free of judgement. If you are no longer able to care for your pet and we have space, we may be able to lodge your dog or cat. Please review our animal admission policies in advance. We encourage you to call ahead before bringing an animal to relinquish:
(850) 432-4250

Admission Guidelines
We accept dogs and cats that are owner relinquishments Tuesday-Saturday from 12 PM to 4 PM and Sunday between 1 PM and 3 PM by APPOINTMENT ONLY. We are always closed on Mondays. Intake is subject to change depending on Kennel Technician availability.

  • A valid Driver’s License or State ID
  • Relinquish fee - please call for more information
  • Negative Heartworm Test for dogs
  • Negative Feline Leukemia and FIV tests for cats
  • We reserve the right to refuse admission for any animal

The relinquish fee helps offset the enormous cost of feeding, housing, and veterinary services we will provide to make your surrendered pet ready for adoption. While we try our best to accommodate as many animals as we can, we are limited in the number of animals we can care for at any given time. We make no guarantee of being able to accept any animal.

For dog admissions, we require proof of a recent negative heartworm test, or we will perform the test on site which is covered by a required fee of $20 per dog.  Because of the high cost of care, we are unable to accept animals that are heartworm positive.  For cat admissions, we require proof of a recent negative test for Feline Leukemia and FIV, or we will perform the test on site which is covered by a required fee of $20 per cat. Because Feline Leukemia is highly contagious we can not accept cats that are positive for it and due to limited space we are generally unable to accept cats positive for FIV.

If you have recent veterinary records of vaccinations and/or treatment, please bring these to the shelter when you bring the pet you wish to surrender. 

Animal Return Policy
We understand there may be some unforseen issues that may arise when adopting an animal.  Animals adopted from the Pensacola Humane Society can be returned within 30 calendar days.  After those 30 days, we ask that the adopter responsibly re-home the animal in a way that ensures the health and well-being of the animal.  If after those 30 days you would like to relinquish your animal back to the Pensacola Humane Society, the animal will be subject to our intake guidelines and a $40 relinquishment fee.  

Stray Policy
Lost or stray animals must be taken to the Escambia County Animal Shelter or Santa Rosa Animal Shelter according to which county you live in.  We require a legal owner be able to relinquish animals to our shelter.